Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Revisiting My 2016 Resolutions

Well, 2016 hit me hard. To start, this is my first post since January 1st. Here's a look at what I did -- and didn't -- accomplish in 2016.


Resolution #1: Finish the first draft of DSF.

HAHAHA. Nope. Didn't even start.

Resolution #2: Query TGITP

This is actually the only goal I DID meet. I sent my draft to beta readers at the beginning of July, and edited from October-December.

I sent my first round of queries TODAY.

Last year I said, "This is by far going to be the hardest goal to meet", and I'm glad it's the one I chose to focus on.

Resolution #3: Read 70 Books

HAH! Maybe it's because I didn't track the books I was reading each week like I did last year, but I fell way behind this year. To date I've read 23 books, and will probably finish two more before the year ends, leaving me 45 books short.


Resolution #4: Write Once A Day
Resolution #5: Clean Up for 2 Minutes Every Evening
Resolution #6: Do 3 Pull Ups a Day
Resolution #7: Do One Good Deed A Day

At this point, I just got too ambitious. I barely tracked these for an entire month. Lesson learned for next year, I suppose.

The most important thing from this year? I QUERIED FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY.

Sayonara 2016. You will not be missed.

Friday, January 1, 2016

My 2016 Resolutions

Last year I tracked my resolutions for the first time and made a really good attempt to accomplish them. I met my weekly goals between 60% and 70% of the time, and met both of my large goals as well.

This year, I'm stepping it up a notch.


Resolution #1: Finish the first draft of DSF.

I'm almost done outlining and plan on starting in January.

Resolution #2: Query TGITP

In order to do this, I need to meet some mini goals.

  • May 31st: Send edited draft to beta readers
  • Aug 31st: Make changes based on comments, send to new round of beta readers
  • Nov 30th: Make changes based on comments
  • Dec 31st: Send query
This is by far going to be the hardest goal to meet. 

Resolution #3: Read 70 Books

This seemed to be a good number for me last year. Challenging, but not too crazy. If it's easier this year then next year I'll bump it up.


Resolution #4: Write Once A Day

This includes editing and outlining/research as well, and there's no specified time limit. So as long as I sit down to work, even if just for 5 minutes, then that counts.

What does not count is reading articles or blogs about writing, or rewriting books and studying their structure. It must be something directly related to TGITP or DSF.

Resolution #5: Clean Up for 2 Minutes Every Evening

This is a resolution I've been thinking about for awhile. I know the difference that even a small amount of time can make, but I'm always so tired at night that I don't get it done. I'm going to anchor this resolution and the next one together to make sure they get done each evening. More about that below.

Resolution #6: Do 3 Pull Ups a Day

I felt like last year I didn't really accomplish what I wanted to with this resolution (to be stronger) and part of that was because 5 pull ups a week wasn't enough to really affect my muscles. I tried to bump it up to 25 a week, but that was an overwhelming number. So I'm going to start this year off with 3 a day.

As I was saying above, I plan on anchoring this habit to make sure it gets completed. The time this year that I was most successful at this habit was when I anchored it to getting ready in the morning, arriving home from work, and getting ready for bed. This year I'm going to anchor it to brushing my teeth.

How this will look: After I finish brushing my teeth at night (and washing my face, etc), I will immediately pull out my phone and set a timer for two minutes. During that two minutes I'll do anything that cleans up the apartment, from picking up and hanging clothes to sweeping the floor.

When the timer goes off, I'll immediately do 3 pull ups. And that's it! Hopefully anchoring these habits to an already established one will ensure they get done.

Resolution #7: Do One Good Deed A Day

I toyed with the wording on this resolution for awhile, because I want it to be very broad. I want it to cover everything from letting someone in front of me in traffic, to doing the dishes for my boyfriend even if it's his night, to asking someone about how things are going in their personal lives.

I think this will be a hard resolution to achieve, because it's not the same thing every day and it's not a habit I can anchor to something else. It's more of a mindset. I also think it will be one of my most interesting resolutions this year. I plan on tracking whether or not I complete this resolution on the same paper as the others, but I'm thinking that I'll also need to record what good deed I do every day. I might record this in a journal or maybe on the computer, I haven't decided yet.

And that's it! Here's a screenshot of the spreadsheet I plan on using to keep track of my daily goals.

I have each week of the year on the sheet, and for every week I have each day listed, as well as a space next to it for a check mark. At the end of each week I'll write in the bottom corner how many out of 7 days I met my goal.