Cat Stories by James Herriot
This was one of my favorite books growing up, and I decided to reread it last week. The stories were just as charming and heart-warming as I remembered.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
I'm way behind on this train, and decided to finally see what all the fuss was about. I see it! I finished this book in just a few days and immediately started the next one.
Frostbite by Richelle Mead
Sometimes the second book in a series sucks compared to the first. This was not one of those times. Again, I finished this in a few days and had trouble putting it down. You should have seen the look on my face when my kindle died while I was reading this on the beach. So sad.
The plan was to continue working my way through the Vampire Academy series. However, when I went to see Paper Towns on Tuesday with my sister, the preview for The Scorch Trials came on and I had to hunker down and plug my ears so that nothing was spoiled. After that experience I realized it was time to finally pull this one out of my virtual to-read pile.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling (audio)
The great thing about audio books and beach vacations is that I can lay back on the beach with my eyes closed and still read a good book. I just have to be careful not to fall asleep and miss something!
Until next time...