Friday, December 26, 2014

Random House Reading Bingo 2014 - Complete!

 A few days ago I took stock of where I was in the challenge and found I had 2 books still left to read: a YA graphic novel and a YA novel set in Paris. I read
Anya's Ghost

and Die for Me,

completing the challenge! So here's the final breakdown of the books I read to complete each challenge.

Shadow and Bone: A book with a female heroine;
Before I Fall: A book set in a high school;
Allegiant: The last book of a trilogy;
The Silver Chair: A book with a colour in the title;
The Summoning: The first book in a series;
The Registry: A book set in the future;
An Abundance of Katherines: A book with a break up (understatement);
Legend: A book without a love triangle;
If I Stay: A book that became a movie;
Die for Me: A book set in Paris;
A Corner of the Universe: A book set in the past.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: A book with magic.
The Moon and More: A book set in the summer;
A Light in the Attic: A book with a dragon;
We Were Liars: A book that made you cry;
Anya's Ghost: A graphic novel;
Sabriel: A book based on a myth;
Alanna The First Adventure: A "Classic" YA Book;
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe: A book with a lion, a witch, or a wardrobe;
Maze Runner: A book with an incredible fight scene;
This Is How I Find Her: A book you heard about online;
Sea of Shadows: A book set in another world;
The Reckoning: A book with an epic love story;
Delirium: A book with music;

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: A book with more than 500 pages; (A few others were 
          close. Feeling Good is over 700 pages, but I don't know if I'll finish before the year 
The Whipping Boy: A forgotten classic;
Divergent: A book that became a movie;
We Were Liars: A book published this year;
The Fundamental Five: A book with a number in the title;
Legend: A book written by someone under thirty;
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe: A book with non-human characters;
A Light in the Attic: A funny book;
Sea of Shadows: A book by a female author;
The Maze Runner: A book with a mystery;
Allegiant: A book with a one-word title;
Shards and Ashes: A book of short stories;
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: A book set on a different continent;
Plot versus Character: A book of non fiction;
Before I Fall: The first book by a favorite author;
The First 50 Pages: A book you heard about online;
Delirium: A best-selling book;
Shiloh: A book based on a true story;
Sabriel: A book at the bottom of your to be read pile; (A lesson in not judging a book by it's 
          cover, because said book was awesome). 
Alanna The First Adventure: A book your friend loves;
The Handmaid's Tale: A book that scares you. 
A Corner of the Universe: A book that is more than 10 years old;
The Awakening: The second book in a series;
Wintergirls: A book with a blue cover;

I can't wait to see what Random House has for us in 2015!

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