This year I've thought hard about making some resolutions that I think I can actually accomplish.
Resolution #1: Finish the first draft of TGITP
I will finish this year. I will.
Resolution #2: Read 70 books
Last year my resolution was 52, and I read 65, so this year I'm bumping it up to 70.
Resolution #3: Write at least 1,000 words a week
Yes, I understand that only 1,000 words a week will not create an entire book. However, 0 words a week is even less likely to create a book, so I'm holding myself to at least 1,000.
Resolution #4: Play an instrument once a week
Again, not a huge change, but doable. It's the little things in life.
Resolution #5: Do 5 pull-ups a week
These will be assisted pull-ups at first, since I can't even do one at the moment. By the end of the year I want to be able to do 3 pull-ups without help.
I think that these resolutions are much more reasonable and easy to meet, (Except number 1. It's scaring me. But I will succeed.), so here's to the new year!